Workstation Ergonomic Assessments

Is work becoming a pain in the neck?

Research shows that approximately 35% of the United Kingdom's working population suffer from back pain. A further 17% complain of aches in their arms and legs. These work-related musculo-skeletal problems cost employers in the United Kingdom up to 6 billion pounds per year in lost production.

Poor workstation / workplace ergonomics can cause a multitude of musculoskeletal problems. A Macclesfield Physio ergonomic assessment consists of an individual workstation / workplace assessment and postural advice. The purpose of the assessment is to identify and eradicate risk factors, reduce the risk of current or future health problems and / or poor work performance. Risk factors may be related to working posture, the design or set up of the work area, equipment design, or simply the way in which the worker carries out a task.

Employers are legally obliged to carry out workstation assessments (Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992) and correct office ergonomics is proven to have a positive effect on the health of the workforce. This can be reflected in a company's overall performance.

Macclesfield Physio can provide on-site assessment and training in ergonomics. Individual workstation assessments, back care awareness classes and group manual handling training sessions can all be provided.

Assessment & Report

A physiotherapist will spend 30-60 minutes with each employee and, following the assessment, a written report will be produced. This report will highlight any problems identified by the assessor. The report will also provide recommendations regarding adaptations to work equipment (e.g. office chair, keyboard etc.), work-station lay-out, training, task design and / or the provision of equipment and aids. Where equipments or aids are recommended a list of suppliers will also be provided.

To arrange a physiotherapy appointment, please contact us on the form below

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