Questions & Answers

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Who benefits from physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy treatment can help all patients of all ages to relieve pain and restore normal movement, allowing the body to function more efficiently. Normal posture and alignment can also be restored to prevent recurrence and to allow a speedy recovery.

What conditions can be treated?

Physiotherapists can treat almost all conditions which cause pain, weakness, stiffness and / or loss of movement.

What can I expect when I receive treatment?

Following a thorough assessment, we provide each patient with a diagnosis of their condition; an individual treatment plan with approximate duration; and likely prognosis. We discuss every stage with you. The treatments effects will be monitored and, if necessary adjusted, to ensure that agreed and realistic outcomes can be achieved.

How many treatments will I need?

We do not have a set number of treatments for any condition - every patient is an individual. However, following your first appointment the physiotherapist will discuss the anticipated number of treatments. You will be reassessed on each visit and if progress plateaus out or if no improvement seems apparent then your treatment will be altered accordingly or you will be referred on to a specialist.

Will I be expected to do anything in between treatments?

We work with you to ensure your recovery is optimal and to minimise the chances of any relapse. Therefore, you will be given lots of things to think about and do during the week. Most patients are given a printed exercise programme to be completed between appointments. What you do between treatments is just as important as your treatment.

Is physiotherapy treatment appropriate for back and neck problems?

Chartered Physiotherapists are qualified to treat all spinal problems. In fact, a large percentage of their workload consists of neck and back problems.

How does Chartered Physiotherapy differ from 'alternative' forms of healing?

The methods used by 'alternative' therapies differ widely, but most of the theories and principles which govern them are included as standard practice in Chartered Physiotherapy.

What is electrotherapy?

Electrotherapy includes ultrasound and interferential treatments. This involves the use of sound or electrical energy waves which affect tissues by reducing swelling, pain and muscle spasm and , therefore, promoting healing.

Can a physiotherapist manipulate?

Yes, all Chartered Physiotherapists with the appropriate postgraduate training can manipulate.

Is it correct that heat and ice can be used to treat injuries?

They are useful in the correct circumstances. Your physiotherapist will advise you on when and how to use these for your condition.

Should I stop my sports activity if I have suffered an injury?

This largely depends on the nature of your condition and the sports activity in which you compete. Your physiotherapy will be able to advise you on this following your initial assessment.


Is there a waiting list for treatment?

No. We can usually see you within 24 - 48 hours. Sometimes same-day appointments are available.

When are you available for appointments?

Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday 9am to 4pm.

Do I have to be referred by a doctor?

No, anyone can refer themselves for treatment. However, if you wish to use your medical insurance to claim for treatment costs, some policies require a GP referral letter.

Can I visit a clinic?

Yes, we have serveral clinics throughout the North-West. We offer early morning, daytime, evening and weekend appointments.

How long are appointments?

Your first appointment will take a maximum of 1 hour and includes a full assessment & treatment. Follow-up appointments take 30 minutes.

What should I wear?

Quite simply, dress comfortably in loose fitting clothes. The therapist will need to see the affected body part and, therefore may require you to undress. If you have a lower limb condition bring shorts, for back problems the therapist may require you to remove your top and trousers.

Should I have medical notes and X-rays at hand?

X-rays / scan results / medical notes are not normally required. However, if you wish to bring them with you it may help your physiotherapist during the assessment.

How do I know if a physiotherapist is fully qualified?

All Chartered Physiotherapists have undergone the required training and passed the necessary exams to enable them to practice. They will have the letters MCSP and HPC after their names showing that they are also registered. The physiotherapists at Macclesfield Physio and Macclesfield Physio will be pleased to show you their certificates and registration documents. Alternatively when you know the name of your physiotherapist you can look up their registration on the HPC website.


What are your payment terms?

Payment is made after each consultation either by cheque, cash, or credit card. If authorisation is gained from an insurer / solicitor / case manager we can invoice them directly for your treatment.

I have Private Medical Insurance - am I covered with you?

Macclesfield Physio are recognised by most of the major insurance companies, as we are all Chartered Physiotherapists, and Members of the Health Professionals Council. You will need to check with your insurance company prior to treatment, as some companies require a referral from a Doctor beforehand.

If I have private medical insurance do I need to pay for treatment?

Each insurer is different in the way that they operate as far as payment is concerned. Some require you to pay for your own treatment and then claim the costs back whereas others allow us to invoice them directly. You will have to pay for your appointments unless we have received authorisation to invoice a 3rd party directly for your treatment. Therefore, we strongly advise that you discuss this with your insurer prior to arranging a consultation.

To arrange a physiotherapy appointment, please contact us on the form below

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